torstai 23. huhtikuuta 2009

It's been a looong time..

So, Yes.
It's been a long time since I wrote in here...

Soo, it has happened a lot, while I haven't write in here and I don't even remember what I've wrote last time... :: D

But anyway, uum...

I gravitate in three school, and now I just have to wait until I know, which school I get in :: )
And, the results will be released in June or somethin', I'm not so sure when, but in summer they release the results. And I just have to wish the best, of course.

Umm, what else...

I just decide, that I'm going to do every day sit-ups at least 50, and try to sit up straight. I even bought bananas, but I ate 'em like in two days.... BECAUSE I LOVE BANANAS !
Aaand, I start to eat vegetarian food, 'cause don'teat meat much at all... except minced meat.
Oh, and I bought yesterday or was it day before yesterday... well whatever, so I bought some couscous... Gosh I love couscous...

Oh crap ! The L-World start so i've to go...

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