keskiviikko 29. huhtikuuta 2009


So, my compute broke up so I'm not goin' to be here in a while.


tiistai 28. huhtikuuta 2009

Fucking apple...

Just while ago I ate apple pie which I made yesterday, and now my throat hurts BUT I do not have shortness of fucking breath... Yes, I am allergic of apple... Well lemme correct myself,I'm allergic of raw apple... Sure I'd could eat well done apple, but obviously not... Everything's fine until i don't have problems to breath....

And apple isn't the worst, peanuts are the worst allergic which I have... Thank GOD I could eat M&M's chocolate.... But that doesn't matter actually, 'cause I don't eat candies much... I just don't like to eat 'em. Just like ice cream, everyone else are eatin' ice cream like litres and litres but I just don't kinda like ice cream... yak.. well, I ate yesterday ONE ice cream, and that will be the one and only ice cream... for this summer...

uuughh, well I'm going to put that apple pie in trash can...

torstai 23. huhtikuuta 2009

It's been a looong time..

So, Yes.
It's been a long time since I wrote in here...

Soo, it has happened a lot, while I haven't write in here and I don't even remember what I've wrote last time... :: D

But anyway, uum...

I gravitate in three school, and now I just have to wait until I know, which school I get in :: )
And, the results will be released in June or somethin', I'm not so sure when, but in summer they release the results. And I just have to wish the best, of course.

Umm, what else...

I just decide, that I'm going to do every day sit-ups at least 50, and try to sit up straight. I even bought bananas, but I ate 'em like in two days.... BECAUSE I LOVE BANANAS !
Aaand, I start to eat vegetarian food, 'cause don'teat meat much at all... except minced meat.
Oh, and I bought yesterday or was it day before yesterday... well whatever, so I bought some couscous... Gosh I love couscous...

Oh crap ! The L-World start so i've to go...